The bike path is under attack.

From too many manners and not enough speed.
As the symbol of two wheeled irreverence,
Harley decided to bring attitude to the path with a new Electric Bike.

We’re starting a gang.

Made up of speed junkies and rush hour Hellraisers.
All committed to commuting and raising Hell on the bike path.

To join, you’ll need to pass initiation.

On social, we will share challenges you’ll need to complete before you can truly call yourself a Hell’s Commuter.

Every bike gang needs leather jackets.

Now that you’re a Hells Commuter, it’s time to look like one.
Earn your patches by being a badass on the path and kicking ass.

Sound how you ride. 

A loud speaker disguised as an innocent bike bell. Play sound!

We believe sacred texts deserve to burn.

Speed limits and traffic tickets are all enemies of the Commuters.
Unleash Unholy Water on the path and rejoice in the flames.

A place for Commuters to repent for their sins.

Or brag about them.

@E-BikeConfessions will act as an online confessional booth for Commuters to share their deeds, brag about their rides, or ask for forgiveness.


Made with Julia Muell <3

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Tuesday June 22 2021